Save the Children is one of the biggest international organisations supporting the Ministry of Education and the public education sector in Somalia. We implement education programs using sector-wide approach (SWA), this includes: Early Childhood Development & Education (ECDE), Basic Education (BE), Non-Formal Education (NFE), Alternative Basic Education (ABE), Education in Emergencies (EiE) and Higher Education (HE). As well as supporting the Ministry of Education through strengthening of school infrastructure, teacher training (pre-service and in-service), and education systems, curriculum and policy development. Save the Children also supports sector coordination as the Co-Lead of the Education in Emergencies Cluster in Somalia with UNICEF.
Whilst we work to increase access to education services, especially for the most marginalized and deprived children, such as those in rural and pastoralist communities, out-of-school children, and internally displaced populations; we focus on increasing the quality of education services to improve learning outcomes, as well as promoting equality and inclusiveness in education, specifically for girls and children with disabilities. We also work with communities to encourage their involvement in school management and we enable children to participate in monitoring and evaluating their schools through children’s activity clubs. Save the Children’s education programming
seeks to integrate education with child protection, child rights governance, school health/nutrition as well as child-centered risk reduction in order to provide a holistic impact in the lives of children.